Ziva Dahl
Jan 12, 2017
Obama, Israel, and Palestine: It’s the Ideology, Stupid!
As published in The American Spectator We know what occupies his anti-colonial and anti-Western mind. “When the chips are down, I have...

Ziva Dahl
Dec 15, 2016
The NYT Blames Israel For Palestinian 'Camp', Fails To Mention That The UN Is Keeping Them T
As published in Independent Journal Review A New York Times Magazine article two weeks ago by Rachel Kushner, “We Are Orphans Here: Life...

Ziva Dahl
Oct 27, 2016
The false narratives about the Arab-Israeli conflict
As Published in The Washington Times Truth has fallen prey to storytelling. Historical facts no longer matter, mythology replaces...

Ziva Dahl
Oct 19, 2016
Demanding an ethnically cleansed state free of Jews
As Published in The Hill Does the Obama administration subscribe to the idea that a hypothetical Palestinian state would require that it...

Ziva Dahl
Sep 19, 2016
UN ground zero for antisemitism and incitement on a global scale
As Published in The Jerusalem Post September has arrived and with it, “show time” at the United Nations – the 71st session of its General...

Ziva Dahl
Jun 30, 2016
The Palestinian President Used A 14th Century Slur Against Jews - Then Received A Standing Ovation
As Published in Independent Journal Review Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who recently spoke to the European Parliament...

Ziva Dahl
Apr 29, 2016
The UN’s Heritage Heist
As Published in Observer UNESCO recently adopted a resolution that completely ignores the Jewish historical, religious and Biblical ties...

Ziva Dahl
Apr 22, 2016
Moral Turpitude in Turtle Bay
As Published in The American Spectator Last month, the United Nations condemned only one country in the world for violating women’s...