Ziva Dahl
Apr 26, 2021
As China Exploits Our Weaknesses, Biden Diminishes Our Strengths
As published in Newsmax. April 20, 2021. "China is going to eat our lunch? Cmon, man! I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But...

Ziva Dahl
Feb 18, 2021
Abraham Accords: Reducing China's Middle East Influence
As published in Newsmax. February 18, 2021. The signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain was heralded as a...

Ziva Dahl
Feb 3, 2021
China uses Hollywood in its Information Warfare Campaign
As published in Newsweek. February 3, 2021. Does cinema offer China a powerful vehicle for reaching audiences across the globe–audiences...

Ziva Dahl
May 5, 2020
How China is buying up America's food supply
As published in the American Thinker A Sioux Falls meatpacking plant was forced to close when it became the epicenter of COVID-19 in...