Ziva Dahl
Jun 4, 2021
Wokeism Comes for the Jews: Centuries-Old Victims Now 'Privileged White Oppressors'
As published in Newsmax. June 2, 2021. You have to marvel at the resilience of Jew-hatred. Like a highly contagious retrovirus and its...
Ziva Dahl
May 30, 2021
Democrats Throw Israel Under the Bus, Kill Bipartisanship
As published in Newsmax. May 29, 2021. After assaulting Israeli civilians with more than 4000 rockets over eleven days and incurring...
Ziva Dahl
Nov 30, 2020
Trump Administration Unmasks BDS
As published in Newsmax November 30, 2020. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently infuriated the international Israel-bashing world by...
Ziva Dahl
Aug 13, 2020
BLM and BDS – a Witch's Brew
As published in Newsmax In the wake of nationwide protests following the May 25th police killing of a Black man – George Floyd – in...
Ziva Dahl
Jul 30, 2020
Pelosi endorses Omar
As published in the American Thinker As if we needed any more evidence of the Democratic Party's capitulation to the anti-Israel left,...
Ziva Dahl
Jun 12, 2020
University Targets Its Own Student for ‘White Supremacy’'
As published in the American Spectator The case of Louis Shenker, expelled from UMass Amherst for wrongthink. Students at American...
Ziva Dahl
May 12, 2020
Will Arizona Democrats Support Revision Of State Law To Protect Jewish Crime Victims?
As published in the Arizona Independent News Arizona legislators are trying to amend their existing State hate crime law to include...
Ziva Dahl
Feb 11, 2020
Trump’s Disruptive Israeli–Palestinian Plan Gives Peace a Chance
As published in the American Spectator The “deal of the century” goes where prior proposals didn’t dare. A disruptive business model can...